Become a Savvy Part-Time Professional
Meditations for Career Changers
Become a Savvy Part-Time Professional
As a New York City Career Counselor and NYC Career Coach who has worked with thousands of New York executives seeking job counseling and career advice, I can honestly tell you that education and intelligence are only part of the formula for success. You really have to become savvy, flexible, adaptable, smart and use common sense whether you are employed full-time or when you are in between gigs.
Motivation and Choices
As we progress in our careers and lives, we begin to truly understand what motivates us and how we can make the best choices. For many of you, this includes the option of part-time work. Why not try to have it all- work and life?
Questions to consider:
Is part-time work right for you? Do you currently have a job that is adaptable to part-time work or do you need to find it or create one? Do you want to reduce your hours at work dramatically or are you simply looking for more flexibility via telecommuting, reduced schedule:/ 4 days per week or flextime?
As you’ll discover, there are options and ways to work less and live more. These include:
- Telecommuting or telework
- Compressed work week
- Permanent part-time work arrangement
- Flex time
- Independent contractor or freelance worker
- Remote worker. Did you know that 43 percent of the workforce works remotely part of the time? (from a Gallup poll)
Today there are 28.5 million part-time professionals in the United States. In order to become a part-time professional you need to explore:
- What you are going to do?
- What type of part-time arrangement is best suited for you?
- Where are you going to work? (location, type of organization)
Practically speaking, can you afford to go part-time?
This might be the optimal time to reassess your financial situation and determine basic needs and expectations regarding your financial needs.
Whether it is part or full-time work, you need to take into consideration your interests, motivated skills, values, and personality style to determine a good career fit.
I have seen people create part-time work situations in unlikely fields such as medicine, law, marketing and more. However, there are certain industries and roles that are more suitable for part-time flexible work. These include:
- Retail stores
- Universities
- Hospitals
- Gyms yoga studios
- Libraries
- Health care – doctors offices, medical facilities
- After school programs, etc.
Some roles that are suitable for part-time work:
- Virtual assistant
- Eldercare Service provider
- Pet services- dog walker/ doggie daycare
- Web-based or On-line teacher
- Web designer
- Graphic designers
- SEO consultant
- After school program teacher or administrator
I hope this meditation allows you to start thinking and exploring whether working in a part-time /flexible way is appropriate and suitable for you.
If you would like to know more about becoming a savvy part-time professional or have any questions regarding Lynn Berger’s other meditations and strategies for New York professionals and career success, please give her a call at 212-289-5197.