Learning to manage the business trip guilt including being away from your family can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can maintain strong connections and make the experience easier for everyone. In this article, we’ll explore ten practical ways to manage business trip guilt, from preparing your children ahead of time to staying connected while you’re away. These tips will not only help you ease the emotional strain of separation but also create opportunities for meaningful family engagement. Whether it’s planning special activities or staying in touch through calls and video chats, you can keep your family bond strong, even while traveling for work.

  1.  If time allows, prepare child(ren) for the trip ahead of time.  Let them know the importance of the trip and that you will miss them.
  2.  If appropriate, show pictures and/or maps of where you will be going.  Use it as a geography lesson.  Try to get your child(ren) involved as much as possible.
  3. Set up special treats for them when you will be gone.  Let them know they will be having dinner and/or visiting grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends.
  4.  Let them choose beforehand what you will buy for them.  Perhaps, you may want to start building a collection for them of toys and gifts from specific regions.
  5. Try to stay in touch.  Call, facetime and text as appropriate.  It allows all of you to feel connected and you can respond to any questions and concerns they may have.
  6.  If appropriate let your child(ren) understand why you are taking the trip.
  7. Plan your return with your child(ren).  Try to arrive home on a weekend or with adequate time to enjoy one another before returning to work
  8. Take proper care of yourself when you are away so you can come back feeling energized, refreshed and prepared to be fully present with your child(ren) when you return.
  9. Try to get them and yourself to embrace the trip; so much energy goes into resistance.
  10. Remember absence makes the heart grow stronger.  These tips can have a beneficial effect upon your relationship with your child because you will appreciate the time you spend together as a family and become grateful for the time together.

If you’re a busy parent looking for ways to better manage your work-life balance or considering a new career path that allows for more family time, Lynn Berger can help. With years of experience in career coaching, Lynn specializes in guiding professionals toward finding fulfilling roles that align with their personal and family needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out and take the first step toward a more balanced and rewarding career. Connect with Lynn Berger today to explore new opportunities and start making positive changes for both your career and family life.