Executive Coaching
Becoming proactive in your growth and development is paramount to help you gain the confidence you need to succeed! Lynn Berger provides executive coaching and corporate coaching and counseling to career professionals.
Should you hire an executive coach?
If you can relate to any of the following questions, then perhaps you would benefit from an exploratory meeting or conference call to discuss alternatives to resolve any performance, productivity or efficiency concerns through executive coaching.
- Are interpersonal issues interfering with your performance, productivity, efficiency and/or job satisfaction?
- Are staffing changes well managed?
- Is there dissension among key employees?
- Are proactive measures the focus of your environment?
- Is there a sense of community and mutual support?
In order to advance to the next level we all need to address practical and psychological concerns and issues:
For example:
- Are you confident in your management/leadership skills?
Honing leadership and management skills as well as gaining the confidence to move to the next level is key to your advancement. Through objective feedback an outsider may provide a fresh perspective to your situation. In today’s workplace, there are many generations working side by side with a different set of values and priorities. Learning to be effective in your communication style with everyone is key to your success. - Are you able to achieve a sense of balance in your day?
- Do you feel overburdened with your roles and responsibilities?
Learning how to prioritize is crucial. We can develop a systematic approach for you to identify your goals and key actionable steps.
Business Coaching
Business communities must redefine their relationships to themselves and their customers to maintain their edge. In partnership, we consult with you to address your concerns and explore avenues to improve workforce satisfaction. We will create work processes that ensure the highest level of effectiveness in relationships, results and corporate responsibility. My professional executive coaching program is designed to:
- Develop techniques and methods to streamline your staff’s daily workflow
- Increase your staff’s satisfaction
Some ideas for group discussion may include:
- How to exponentially increase your effectiveness in a short period of time
- The most effective way to build a unified high-performance team.
Topics primarily for managers and supervisors may include:
- Methods to offer effective and flexible management of others
- How to get the most value from your corporate employees
I welcome an opportunity to speak with you and explore options to assist you as an executive and corporate coach.

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