Change Is Hard For Many Part 2

Change Is Hard For Many Part 2 Meditations for Career Changers Change Is Hard For Many Part 2 As a follow up to my first essay about how change is hard, I wanted to share some more insight into the daily life of a job seeker. As a New York City Career Counselor and...

Are You Ready For Change?

Are You Ready For Change? Meditations for Career Changers Are You Ready For Change? In my last two meditations, I wrote about how change is hard. Whether you are a job seeker or in career transition or seeking out a better lifestyle or family/life/work balance, there...

Use Your Summer Wisely Part 1

Use Your Summer Wisely Meditations for Career Changers Use Your Summer Wisely! Summer is finally upon us with the beginning of the July 4th Independence Day weekend. As a New York Career Coach and NYC based Career Counselor who has worked with thousands of New York...

Volunteering Benefits All

Volunteering Benefits All Meditations for Career Changers Volunteering Benefits All As a New York City-based Career Counselor and Career Coach who has worked with thousands of individuals over my career, I have witnessed great things from volunteering on both sides of...

Fall is coming…

Fall is coming… Pause and take control! Meditations for Career Changers Fall is coming… Pause and take control! With all of your additional commitments in the Fall, you might begin to feel overwhelmed. If you start to feel this way- push the pause button. As a New...